Call pHenos: (503) 387-9495

Caring for your Clones

1. Decide and Prepare

  • Choose planting location (Outside, Greenhouse, or Indoor)
  • Select a suitable medium (coco/peat moss, soil pot, or soil bed)

2. Timing and Temperature

  • Avoid putting fresh clones outside before June 15th or when night temperatures go below 60F
  • Avoid direct hot sun or intense light sources
  • Maintain proper photoperiod for outdoor plants (not less than 18 hours of light per day)

3. Acclimate

  • Clones from dispensary shelves need acclimation before intense lights or direct sunlight
  • Consider placing clones near a window for a few days
  • Transplant larger pots (3-5gal) for clones permanently planted outside after acclimation

4. Feed Plan

  • Document past and future feed schedules
  • Start feed program with purchase; clones are nutrient enriched with biochar
  • Use a PPM meter to measure fertilizer content (avoid water over 300PPM for new clones)

5. Tips

  • Adjust feeding based on pot size and irrigation method
  • Cannabis plants in small pots on constant irrigation can use less fertilizer

6. Planting


  • Move plants to direct light after a few days in a grow room


  • Place clones in the greenhouse immediately if environmental conditions are suitable


  • Plant in pots or soil beds after acclimation to the sun
  • Use regular irrigation; consider a shade cloth if signs of stress persist in hot sun

    Have questions? Interested in learning more? Inventory for specific date? Custom Order?

    Are you a licensed producer or dispensary in Oregon looking for clones?

    You may reach us at (503) 387-9495

    or by using the form below!